Fighting for
the rights of whistleblowers across Europe.
Every day.
Every way.
Your First Call
If you are a whistleblower,
we will investigate your case, advocate for your rights, and help you to stay safe. We will fully protect your confidentiality. Call us before speaking with your employer, a public authority or the media.
Rights for Europe
We are co-leading the grassroots campaign to ensure all EU countries pass strong whistleblower protection laws that comply with new European standards. We are off to a fast start. Join in our campaign today.
Cases & Campaigns
We are a grassroots organization that engages in cases by investigating disclosures, fighting for whistleblowers' rights, and working with the media to expose crime and corruption. Like whistleblowing itself, our campaigns aim for results.
Join the Cause
You can be part of the solution. Call today and join our Europe-wide network of activists who are ensuring that corrupt politicians, company executives, environmental polluters and other criminals are held responsible for their crimes.
Defending rights – striving for justice
The European Center for Whistleblower Rights is dedicated to strengthening whistleblower protections and ensuring that crimes, corruption and public health dangers exposed by whistleblowers are fully investigated and remedied.
We believe democracy depends on even-handed enforcement of the law, and that enforcement can succeed only if whistleblowers are encouraged to step forward and can report wrongdoing safely and freely. We provide a full range of assistance to citizens, employees, legal professionals, policy-makers and elected officials.
We are the only non-profit organization in Europe that campaigns for stronger whistleblower rights, provides direct assistance to whistleblowers, investigates corruption exposed by whistleblowers, and works to hold criminals to account. We are dedicated to strengthening and protecting the free speech, employment and human rights of all citizens.
We advocate for confidential and reliable disclosure systems as well as financial incentives and compensation for whistleblowers drawn from monetary sanctions – two features of whistleblower laws that have proven to be critical to encouraging those with inside information to step forward.
We are dedicated to ensuring whistleblowers can report misconduct and rectify injustice while limiting their exposure to negative consequences. We treat their cases with the highest level of the professionalism, patience, discretion and individual attention. We work with diligence and discretion for the benefit of citizens, society and the public interest.
On Your Side

Our activists, attorneys and policy experts:
support citizens in reporting crime, corruption and public health threats
investigate and publicize whistleblower disclosures and retaliation cases
protect the confidentiality and anonymity of whistleblowers
advocate for comprehensive whistleblower protection laws
monitor and improve the functioning of whistleblower protection systems
coordinate with activists and journalists on whistleblower cases and policy
train public officials on proper whistleblower protection practices

Today's Actions
Ending Maternity Abuse
We are working to end corruption and the horrible abuse of women in Bosnia's maternity wards
Hot Off the Press
Read the latest articles by Executive Director Mark Worth on Whistleblower Network News
Slow-Walking Your Rights
The EU criticizes countries for missing the deadline to pass new a whistleblower protection law